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Kamnik-Savinja Alps Hut to Hut Hike, Slovenia

The Kamnik-Savinja Alps (aka Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, Steiner Alpen) is a stunning mountain range in Slovenia, close to the Austrian border.

They make up the south-easternmost part of the Alps and the southernmost part of the limestone alps. These mountains are also known as the Steiner Alpen, or Steiner-Sanntaler Alps.

Located only 1:30 hours north of Ljubljana, this alpine paradise is accessible by car, or by public transit.

In July, we hiked hut-to-hut across the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, starting in Kamniška Bistrica and ending in Zgornje Jezersko. Much of our route followed the Slovenian Mountain Trail (marked with the number “1”), a 599 km long trail that takes 28 days to complete. 

We were blown away by the rugged beauty of these limestone mountains. We were also astonished by the solitude. Compared to the Julian Alps, the Kamnik-Savinja mountains are far less trafficked.

4-Day Kamnik-Savinja Alps Trek

Stage 1 | Kamniška Bistrica – Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu (5.4 km, 3:30 – 4 hours)

Stage 2 | Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu – Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu (7.7 km, 6:30 – 8 hours)

Stage 3 | Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu – Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh (6 km, 7 – 9 hours)

Stage 4 | Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh – Zgornje Jezersko (4.6 km, 2 hours)

We wrote this Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse trekking guide based on our personal experience. Keep in mind that things can change over time: trail difficulty, accessibility, and routing (due to rock falls, landslides, and avalanches) and hut management (reservation system, hospitality, payment, food quality, etc…). Please do your due diligence before tackling this route. Check this map for trail closures.

Kamnik-Savinja Alps Trek

Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse Hiking Map


Where to Stay

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse Difficulty

This 4-day Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse is an extremely challenging trek. To date, this is the most difficult trail we’ve ever hiked (specifically stages 2 and 3).

This trek requires stamina, surefootedness, high-alpine hiking experience, a head for heights, comfort with exposure and limestone terrain (karst and scree). Much of the route follows secured paths.

Via Ferrata Gear | The Slovenian Alpine Association does not label the trail connecting Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu and Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh as a “via ferrata” route. However, expect plenty of secured climbing along the way. We did not use a via ferrata kit, but we did wear a climbing helmet. Some hikers may feel more comfortable with the full kit.

Alternative Trek | If you’re interested in trekking in Slovenia along an equally impressive trail, but less demanding, take a look at this Triglav National Park Traverse. You can book this self-guided trek Crossing the Julian Alps with Slotrips.

Stage 1 | Moderate

Stage 2 | Challenging

Stage 3 | Challenging

Stage 4 | Easy-Moderate

Hiking the Turska Gora trail, Kamnik-Savinja Alps

How to Book the Kamnik-Savinja Alps Trek

All mountain huts along the Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse must be booked individually and independently. 

It’s important to make reservations for overnight stays in huts several months in advance. You may be able to book more short-term, if you have a flexible start date.

There is no uniform way to make reservations for overnight stays in huts. Some huts use the Alpsonline booking platform, others manage requests via their own request forms, and others are only bookable by email, or by phone.

For more information about overnight pricing, typical hut food, and amenities, read our guide to Slovenian mountain huts. Read hut to hut hiking in Slovenia to learn about when to trek in Slovenia, how to plan a hut to hut hike, trail signage and waymarking, and more.

Arrival Day | Dom v Kamniški Bistrici – Book via Alternatively, stay in Guest House Kraljev Hrib (budget),  Skalca Tinyhouse (midrange), or U Konc Glamping (midrange)

Stage 1 | Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu – Send reservation request using this form or via Alpsonline.

Stage 2 | Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu – Send reservation request using this form or via Alpsonline.

Stage 3 | Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh – Send reservation request by email, or phone.

Stage 4 | After the trek, we recommend staying in Zgornje Jezersko: Cvet Gora (budget), Tourist farm Šenkova domačija (midrange), or Boutique Hotel Vila Planinka (luxury).

Hiking Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia

Arrival Day in Kamnik

If you’re arriving in Ljubljana, you can catch a direct train (or bus) to Kamnik (1 hour), where you have to change to another bus to Kamniška Bistrica (20 min.). 

Another option is to spend the night in Kamnik, before making your way to the trailhead the next day.

Where to Stay in Kamnik 

Budget | Guest House Pri Cesarju

Midrange | ABC apartments

Look for accommodation in Kamnik.

Where to Stay in Kamniška Bistrica

Budget | We stayed at Dom v Kamniški Bistrici, a hut located directly at the trailhead. The food was great and the hosts were friendly and helpful.

Budget | Guest House Kraljev Hrib

Midrange | Skalca Tinyhouse

Midrange | U Konc Glamping

Look for accommodation in Kamniška Bistrica.

Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu, Kamnik Saddle mountain hut

Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse Stage 1: Dom v Kamniški Bistrici – Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu

Stage 1 Trail Stats

Distance | 5.4 km

Time Needed | 3 hours

Elevation Gain | 1270 meters

Elevation Loss | 0 meters

Difficulty | Moderate

Minimum Elevation | 599 meters

Maximum Elevation | 1869 meters

Route | Dom v Kamniški Bistrici (600 m) – Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu (1864 m)

Lunch Option | Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu

Kamniška Bistrica to the Kamnik Saddle (3 hours)

Though continuously uphill, today’s stage is very manageable and doesn’t present any technical difficulty.

The trail begins at Dom v Kamniški Bistrici. Follow the paved road from the hut to a small parking lot. At the parking area, there will be red signs indicating the direction to Kamniškem sedlu (our trail) and Kokrskem sedlu. 

The trail begins steeply and ascends through the forest via a narrow path. Simply follow the Knafelc trail markers, which are white dots surrounded by red circles.

After 2 hours of ascending through the forest, you’ll reach a resting area with an A-frame shelter called Pastirji.

Soon after the shelter, you’ll clear the bush and walk into a glorious meadow covered in wildflowers. From here, you’ll see the beautiful limestone mountains Brana and Planjava.

After the meadow, the trail continues to ascend to the mountain saddle.

The destination of stage 1 is a mountain hut situated on a green meadow at the saddle between Mount Brana and Mount Planjava.

Optional Hike to Mount Brana (2253 m)

Stage 1 is relatively short. There is sufficient time to tackle the summit hike to Mount Brana (moderately difficult), or the Mount Planjava peak hike (difficult).

After lunch, we hiked to Mount Brana. The ascent is secured with ropes. Expect to scramble.

Starting Point | Kamnik Saddle Hut

Distance | 2.9 km out-and-back

Time Needed | 1:50 hours

Elecation Gain/Loss | 397 meters

Stay in Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu (1864 m)

The best part about this hut is its location. The outdoor seating area is perfect for soaking up the sun and enjoying the sublime alpine environment.

Reservation | Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu – Send reservation request using this form or via Alpsonline.

Payment | Cash only

Showers | Yes

Drinking Water | You can buy water.

Electronic Charging Stations | Yes

Food | Okay

Rooms | Private and dormitory rooms

Climbing up to Turska Gora, Kamnik-Savinja Alps

Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse Stage 2: Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu – Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu

Stage 2 Trail Stats

Distance | 7.5 km

Time Needed | 6:30 – 8 hours

Elevation Gain |  704 meters

Elevation Loss | 781 meters

Difficulty | Extremely Challenging

Minimum Elevation | 1792 meters

Maximum Elevation | 2251 meters

Route | Kamniška koča na Kamniškem sedlu (1864 m) – Turska Gora (2251 m) – Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu (1793 m)

Lunch Option | None

Kamnik Saddle – Turska Gora – Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu (6:30+ hours)

The hike from the Kamnik Saddle to Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu is challenging and technically difficult. Much of the trail is secured with fixed cables.

Officially, this stage takes 6:30 hours. It took us 8 hours (with breaks).

From the Kamnik Saddle hut, follow the trail towards Mount Brana. At the signed intersection, continue straight in the direction of Turska Gora (mountain).

Initially, the trail to Turska Gora plummets abruptly. Your descent is aided by fixed ropes, footholds, and other climbing aids. You’ll need both of your hands for much of this trail.

The first few hours of the trail require concentration as you manage the secured passage to the summit of Turska Gora (2251 m).

From the summit of Turska Gora, the trail descends gently.

To reach the mountain hut Cojzova koča, you can decide between the trail via Sleme (presumably the easier way) or via Skuta (2533 m). We opted for the former.

The trail traverses a high plateau characterized by karst pavement, scree, and boulders.

At Mali Podi, it may be possible to hike to the modern shelter Bivak pod Skuto na Malih podih (2045 m).

There’s another secured passage about halfway between Turska Gora and the modern shelter, Bivak Pavla Kemperla pod Grintovcem (2104 m).

From the black box-shaped shelter Bivak Pavla Kemperla, it’s another hour to Cojzova koča.

Stay in Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu (1793 m)

Cojzova koča stands on the Kokrskem sedlu mountain saddle. It’s a splendid sight when you finally get a glimpse of the mountain hut straddling the saddle.

Reservation | Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu – Send reservation request using this form or via Alpsonline.

Payment | Cash only

Showers | There is running water, sourced by rain. However, there’s no shower.

Drinking Water | You can buy water.

Electronic Charging Stations | Yes

Food | The food was definitely an upgrade from the night before. We ate the Goveji Loned, a stew with vegetables and ground beef, as well as their goulash. We also tried the traditional Slovenian dish Jota, which is a bean and sauerkraut soup.

Rooms | The hut has private rooms as well as shared dormitory rooms. The walls are paper-thin, so make sure to bring earplugs.

Hiking the Spremova pot, Kamnik-Savinja Alps

Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse Stage 3: Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu – Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh

Stage 3 Trail Stats

Distance | 6 km

Time Needed | 7 – 9 hours

Elevation Gain | 915 meters

Elevation Loss | 1167 meters

Difficulty | Extremely Challenging

Minimum Elevation | 1539 meters

Maximum Elevation | 2558 meters

Route | Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu (1793 m) – Grintovec (2558 m) – Dolška škrbina (2270) – Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh (1542 m)

Lunch Option | None

Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu – Grintovec – Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh (7+ hours)

The hike today officially takes 7 hours. It took us 9 hours with breaks.

The hike begins surprisingly gently as you make your way to Mount Grintovec. It takes 2 hours to reach the summit.

Unlike the ascent, the descent is significantly trickier. The initial descent is a challenge. You have to climb down an exposed, secured path. Learn more about hiking to Grintovec.

After the secured section, the trail divides. You can veer left towards Dolška škrbina (the “easier” route), or right towards Mlinarsko sedlo (the more difficult route).

We opted for the left trail. Dolška škrbina is the saddle between Grintovec and Kočna, or better described as the lowest point of the ridge.

The path down Grintovec is mostly characterized by loose rocks and scree. Though we were hyper-focused on our footing, we were able to admire the devastatingly beautiful peaks around us.

After hiking Spremova pot (trail) and traversing a steep snowfield (hiking poles are essential), we followed the trail markings in the direction of Kočna. The trail leads you vertically up a ridge, which you’ll follow for some time.

Next, the trail turns into another assisted climbing route, called the Kremžar route, Kremzarjeva pot. This secured path was unforgettable.

The mountains envelop you and you’ll have magical views of the Ravenska Kočna valley. For more info, read Summitpost’s Kremžar route.

The trail continues and ultimately intersects with the trail from Mlinarsko sedlo at 1800 m.

You’ll continue along difficult terrain towards your ultimate destination Češka koča, the Czech Hut. This last stretch traverses scree slopes.

Stay in Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh (2 hours)

Dating back to 1900, this mountain hut has barely changed in a century. There’s ample outdoor seating as well as a cozy interior dining room. This was our favorite hut in the Kamnik Savinja Alps.

Reservation | Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh – Send reservation request by email, or phone.

Payment | Cash only

Showers | There’s running water, but no showers.

Drinking Water | You can purchase water.

Electronic Charging Stations | Yes

Food | Delicious

Rooms | The hut offers shared sleeping quarters. You can either sleep in a shared room, or the dormitory room (lager) in the attic.

Tourist Farm Senkova Domacija, Jezersko, Slovenia

Kamnik-Savinja Alps Traverse Stage 4: Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh – Zgornje Jezersko

Stage 4 Trail Stats

Distance | 4.6 km

Time Needed | 2 hours

Elevation Gain | 39 meters

Elevation Loss | 680 meters

Difficulty | Moderate

Minimum Elevation | 881 meters

Maximum Elevation | 1542 meters

Route | Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh – Zgornje Jezersko

Lunch Option | We recommend eating lunch at the lakeside Gostišče ob Planšarskem Jezeru at Planšarsko jezero.

Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh to Zgornje Jezersko (2 hours)

Follow the Slovenian Mountain Trail 1 in the direction of Jezersko.

After 20 – 25 minutes, the trail splits. You can take the left trail through the forest, or the right trail through the Ravenska kočna valley to Jezersko.

We opted for the left trail because it had rained all night and we were informed that it would be less slippery.

The forest trail (#1) was a welcome relief for our tired feet.

The trail intersects the road and it’s a short walk into the village. The views of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps from Jezersko are sensational.

Stay in Zgornje Jezersko

Budget | Cvet Gora is a guesthouse with A-frame glamping huts. Showers are communal, but very clean. The guesthouse is located on the main road, so it’s easy to find.

Midrange | Tourist farm Šenkova domačija is a historic farm in Jezersko with comfortable rooms, a wonderful half board offering, and many free roaming farm animals.

Luxury | Boutique Hotel Vila Planinka is a dreamy and stylish hotel offering comfort, delicious food, and scenic views. Guests have access to a wellness center, outdoor terrace, and an on-site restaurant.

Look for accommodation in Zgornje Jezersko.

Plan Your Trip to Slovenia

Travel Destinations:


Slovenia Hikes:


4-Day Kamnik-Savinja Alps Hut to Hut Trek, Slovenia

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