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Cortina d’Ampezzo Hiking Guide: 9 Best Hikes + Map, Italian Dolomites

Cortina d’Ampezzo is a premier hiking destination in the Italian Dolomites of Northern Italy.

Hailed the Queen of the Dolomites, Cortina benefits from an advantageous and impossibly gorgeous location in Ampezzo Valley in the Province of Belluno in Veneto. 

The town of Cortina d’Ampezzo is encircled by the craggy peaks of the Sorapiss, Cristallo, Tofane, and Croda da Lago mountain groups. The Sesto/Sexten and Baies/Prags Dolomites are also a short drive (or bus ride) away. 

Hiking around Cortina d’Ampezzo is like hiking in a massive open-air museum. The Cortina mountains are steeped in history, harboring the relics of the First World War around every corner.

In this Cortina d’Ampezzo hiking guide, we’ve summarized all the best hiking trails around Cortina with links to in-depth trail guides.

Use this hiking guide in combination with our Cortina d’Ampezzo Travel Guide (when to visit, where to eat, how to get to Cortina, mountain huts, etc…) to plan an unforgettable hiking trip to the eternally-reigning Queen of the Dolomites.

Sorapiss Group, Dolomites

Cortina d’Ampezzo Hiking Map

When to Hike in Cortina d’Ampezzo 

We recommend hiking in Cortina d’Ampezzo between mid-late June and mid-late October.

Read these guides to learn more about when to visit the Dolomites:

Best Time to Visit the Dolomites

Hiking in the Dolomites in September

Hiking in the Dolomites in October

9 Best Hikes around Cortina d’Ampezzo

1. Tofana di Rozes Circuit Trail

Tofana di Rozes Circuit Trail, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy

Tofana di Rozes is one of the recognizable mountains in the Ampezzo Dolomites. 

An excellent hiking trail wraps around Tofana di Rozes, starting at Rifugio Dibona. The trail initially crosses the southern slopes of Tofana di Rozes and then ascends gently to the Forcella Col dei Bos saddle. 

The path continues towards the remote Travenanzes valley and then steeply ascends the rugged Majarié glacial cirque to Rifugio Giussani. 

From the Giussani mountain refuge, the Tofana di Rozes circuit trail descends back to Rifugio Dibona along WWI paths.

This is a quiet, varied, and absolutely riveting hike in Cortina d’Ampezzo. 

Trail Stats

Where | Dolomiti D’Ampezzo Natural Park, Belluno

Trailhead | Rifugio Dibona

Distance | 11.9 km circuit

Time Needed | 5:30 hours

Difficulty | Moderately Difficult

Trail Guide: Tofana di Rozes Circuit Trail

2. Lago di Sorapis

Lago di Sorapis, Dolomites

Lago di Sorapis is a glacial lake set in a natural amphitheater in the Sorapiss Group. Lake Sorapis is a scenic masterpiece because of its milky-turquoise hue and imposing mountain backdrop. 

The easiest way to get to Lake Sorapis is from the Passo Tre Croci mountain pass, located about halfway between Cortina d’Ampezzo and Lake Misurina. 

From Passo Tre Croci, follow trail 215 in the direction of Rifugio Vandelli. Trail 215 is initially wide and level. After about an hour, the trail becomes increasingly steep and narrow. There are some exposed sections, secured with cables and ladders. 

Most hikers will return to Passo Tre Croci along the same route. However, there’s an exciting alternative route via the Forcella Marcuoira saddle. This route is best undertaken by experienced alpine hikers, who are confident in steep rocky terrain.

Due to the popularity of this destination, it’s best to visit during the week and during shoulder-season. 

Trail Stats

Where | Ampezzo Dolomites, Belluno

Trailhead | Passo Tre Croci, halfway between Cortina d’Ampezzo and Lake Misurina

Distance | 13.2 km circuit

Time Needed | 5:10 hours

Difficulty | Difficult

Learn More: Lago di Sorapis Trail Guide

3. Passo Giau to Monte Mondeval

Mondeval Plateau, Dolomites

Mondeval is a bowl-shaped plateau in the municipality of San Vito di Cadore within the Dolomites UNESCO System Pelmo – Croda da Lago.

The Mondeval plateau harbors many treasures including the archaeological burial site of Mondeval de Sora, the tiny Lago delle Baste lake, and the Monte Mondeval panoramic peak.

We love hiking across Mondeval because of the views of Monte Pelmo, Lastoni di Formin, and Croda da Lago.

This circuit trail takes you to all the best places atop Mondeval, starting at the gorgeous Passo Giau mountain pass.

Trail Stats

Where | Ampezzo Dolomites, Belluno

Trailhead | Passo Giau

Distance | 12.8 km lollipop-circuit

Time Needed | 5 hours

Difficulty | Moderate

Trail Guide: Passo Giau to Monte Mondeval

4. Croda da Lago Circuit Trail and Lago Federa

Forcella di Formin to Val Formin, Trail 435, Croda da Lago, Dolomites

Croda da Lago is a small mountain chain in the Ampezzo Dolomites. The circuit trail around Croda da Lago is an exciting hike, filled with captivating scenery and varied terrain.

The hike begins at Ponte di Rocurto trailhead along the SP638 road, between Pocol (Cortina d’Ampezzo) and Passo Giau.

Following trail 437, ascend through a spruce and larch forest to Lago Federa and Rifugio Croda da Lago.

The trail continues to Forcella Ambrizzola saddle, the gateway to the sprawling Mondeval pasture. Next, the Croda da Lago circuit veers towards the mammoth Lastoni di Formin massif and steadily ascends to Forcella di Formin, the highest point of the hike.

From the Formin saddle, the trail leads you down a field of boulders to Val Formin valley. Extra caution is required here.

The Val Formin path rejoins trail 437 back to Ponte de Rocurto. 

Insider Tip | Lago Federa is one of the best places to experience sunrise, especially in mid-late October. The first light of the day sweeps across the alpine landscape, flushing the golden larches and the solitary spire of Becco di Mezzodi.

Trail Stats

Where | Ampezzo Dolomites, Belluno

Trailhead | Ponte di Rocurto

Distance | 13.1 km circuit

Time Needed | 5 hours

Difficulty | Moderately Difficult

Trail Guide: Croda da Lago Circuit Trail

5. Tre Cime di Lavaredo Circuit Trail 

Tre Cime di Lavaredo Circuit Trail, Dolomites

Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Drei Zinnen in German, Three Peaks in English) is the name given to three massive peaks in the Sexten Dolomites: The Cima Grande (2,999 m), Cima Occidentale (2,973 m), and Cima Piccola (2,857 m).

The loop trail around the iconic Three Peaks is an easy-moderate day hike that takes about 4 hours to complete. 

The trail starts at the Rifugio Auronzo mountain hut, which is accessible by a toll road (30 EUR for private cars). From Rifugio Auronzo, you can either start the circuit trail clockwise on trail 105 towards Langelam or counter-clockwise on trail 101 towards Rifugio Lavaredo. We recommend clockwise. 

Though most hikers venture here to behold the mighty Tre Cime di Lavaredo, they soon realize that Drei Zinnen is just the beginning of an unending visual feast that extends in every possible direction.

After completing the circuit hike, take a detour  to the jaw-dropping Cadini di Misurina Viewpoint.

Trail Stats

Where | Tre Cime Nature Park, South Tyrol, and Belluno

Trailhead | Rifugio Auronzo accessible via the Rifugio Auronzo Toll Road

Distance | 9.7 km circuit 

Time Needed | 4 hours

Difficulty | Easy – Moderate 

Learn More: Tre Cime di Lavaredo Circuit Trail 

6. Sentiero Bonacossa North Trail

Sentiero Bonacossa Trail, Cadini di Misurina, Dolomites

Sentiero Alberto Bonacossa is an exhilarating hiking trail that runs through the dramatic Cadini di Misurina mountain group.

This challenging trail guides hikers along narrow, exposed ledges and steep rocky valleys.

Sentiero Bonacossa connects Rifugio Col de Varda with Rifugio Fonda Savio and Rifugio Auronzo.

It can be hiked in its entirety, or sectioned off in loops. We hiked the northern route (Rifugio Fonda Savio to Rifugio Auronzo).

One of the most popular destinations along the Sentiero Bonacossa trail is the famous Cadini di Misurina viewpoint.

Trail Stats

Where | Cadini di Misurina Group, Belluno

Trailhead | Rifugio Auronzo or Lago d’Antorno

Distance | 12.5 km circuit

Time Needed | 6 hours

Difficulty | Demanding

Trail Guide: Sentiero Bonacossa North Trail

7. Crepe de Zumèles 

Crepe de Zumeles Hike, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Dolomites

Crepe de Zumèles forms part of Pomagagnon, the Cristallo mountain chain which borders Cortina to the northeast.

The Crepe de Zumèles circuit trail is a quiet, little-known hike, which starts at the Rio Gere car park, between Cortina d’Ampezzo and Passo Tre Croci. 

From Rio Gere, follow trail 211 through the Larieto larch forest to El Brite de Larieto, an acclaimed mountain pasture hut serving gourmet regional dishes. 

Continue on trail 211 in the direction of Rifugio Mietres. Trail 211 skirts the hut, but feel free to make a quick detour to this scenic refuge.

The trail continues along the forest road and then makes a sharp right on trail 204. 

It’s a steep ascent up the crumbling slopes of Crepe de Zumèles to Forcella Zumèles. The Cortina basin is clearly visible below. 

At Forcella Zumèles, views open up to the Cristallo Massif, which stands north of Val Padeón, the valley which separates the Pomagagnon and Cristallo massifs.  

The way leads east on a level forest trail (trail 205) down to Passo Són Fórcia and between Pomagagnon and Cristallo (trail 203) to Passo Tre Croci. 

From the Tre Croci mountain pass, follow trail 209, which runs parallel to the road, down to Rio Gere.

Trail Stats

Where | Cristallo Group, Belluno

Trailhead | Rio Gere

Distance | 10.6 km circuit

Time Needed | 4 hours

Difficulty | Moderately Difficult

8. Alpe di Sennes Circuit 

Rifugio Fondara Vedla

This walk links together four mountain huts in the Dolomiti d’Ampezzo and Fannes-Sennes-Braies Nature Parks, traversing rugged karst landscapes, meadows, and forests.

Most of the refuges along the route are open until late October, which makes this a great autumn hike. We hiked this route on an overcast day, so our views were mostly obscured, but we enjoyed stretching our legs and covering a lot of ground. 

The Alpe di Sennes trail begins at Rifugio Malga Ra Stua

It’s possible to drive all the way up to the refuge in June, September, and October. However, in July and August, the refuge access road is closed to private traffic. If you visit during peak summer months, park at the Sant’Uberto car park, just off the SS51 road, and take the shuttle to Ra Stua. 

From the car park at Rifugio Ra Stua, follow the gravel road north (trail 6) in the direction of Ciampo de Crósc/Cianpo de Croš. 

The road leads through the lightly forested Valon Scuro along a stream to the meadow of Ciampo de Crósc. 

The mountains flanking the northeast side of the valley are called Crepe de Socroda. 

When you reach the Aghes de Ciampo de Crósc (1750 m) trail junction, head right on trail 26 in the direction of Lago di Fòses and Rifugio Biella. 

The trail crosses the meadow and then enters a fir and larch forest, beneath the Crepe de Socroda. 

Trail 26 steadily ascends and ultimately crosses Crepe de Socroda. 

The path leads north through a desolate valley at the foot of Piccola Croda Rossa/Kleine Gaisl to Lago di Fòses, a lake set beneath Remeda Rossa/Rote Wand. 

Side Note: On the other side of the Croda Rossa d’Ampezzo/Hohe Gaisl massif, there’s a wonderful trail which runs from Prato Piazza to Malga Rossalm called the Gaisl High Trail.

The way to Rifugio Biela/Seekopfehütte is harder than expected, because of the uneven, rugged karst terrain.

Rifugio Biela (2327 m) marks the halfway point of this day hike. The Alpe di Sennes circuit follows the Alta Via 1 trail to Rifugio Sennes (2176 m). Here, you have the option to descend Val Salata back to Ra Stua (trail 6A). 

The better option is to press on to Rifugio Fodara Vedla (1966 m), a hospitable refuge surrounded by a cluster of timber huts (trail 7). They serve heartwarming South Tyrolean food throughout the summer season (late May – late October). 

From Rifugio Fodara Vedla, trail 9 leads to Lago de Rudo and then zigzags down to the valley. Return to Ra Stua on the familiar track. 

Trail Stats

Where | Ampezzo Dolomites Nature Park and Fanes-Sennes-Braies Nature Park

Trailhead | Malga Ra Stua

Distance | 17.1 km circuit

Time Needed | 5:30 hours

Difficulty | Moderate

9. Rifugio Nuvolau and Cinque Torri

Rifugio Nuvolau view of Averau, Alta Via 1, Dolomites

Rifugio Nuvolau is a rustic mountain refuge planted on the summit Monte Nuvolau at 2575 meters.

A few years ago, we overnighted here when we trekked the Alta Via 1 long distance trail. But, there’s no need to embark on a multi-day hike in order to visit this iconic Rifugio.

Given it’s proximity to the Cinque Torri chairlift, Rifugio Nuvolau is relatively easy to get to.

However, a more interesting approach starts at Col Gallina, near Passo Falzarego.

This short circuit trail links together some of the most popular destinations in the Averau-Nuvolau Group including Lago di Lìmedes, Rifugio Averau, Rifugio Scoiattoli, and the Cinque Torri rock towers. 

Cinque Torri is also an open-air museum, where you can walk through a maze of restored trenches and shelters dating back to the First World War. 

Trail Stats

Where | Nuvlau-Averau Group, Belluno

Trailhead | Col Gallina

Distance | 9.6 km circuit

Time Needed | 4 hours

Difficulty | Moderate

Learn More: Rifugio Nuvolau and Cinque Torri Trail Guide

Cortina d’Ampezzo Hiking Day Trips

Alta Pusteria

Seekofel (Croda del Becco) and Senneser Karspitze Peaks, Hochalpenkopf Hike, Prags Dolomites

It’s a 35 minute drive from Cortina d’Ampezzo to Alta Pusteria/Hochpustertal in South Tyrol.

Val Pusteria is the northern border of the Dolomites. From this valley, you can access the Northern Sesto/Sexten and Northern Braies/Prags Dolomites.

In the Braies Dolomites, we recommend visiting Lago di Braies and Prato Piazza. Our favorite hikes in this region are: Hochalpenkopf, Monte Specie, and the Gaisl High Trail.

In the Sesto Dolomites, we recommend visiting Val Fiscalina and Val Campo di Dentro, the starting point of the exciting Torre dei Scarperi circuit trail.

Alta Badia

Sass da Ciampac hike, Alta Badia, Dolomites
Sass da Ciampac Hike

Alta Badia is a mountain region surrounding the valley of Val Badia/Gadertal, nestled between the Fanes Group, the Sella Group, and the Puez Group.

From Cortina, it’s a 45 minute drive to Alta Badia via Passo Falzarego and Passo Valparola.

Here are some hikes we love in the Alta Badia region:

Armentara Meadows Trail

Lake Pisciadù and Pisciadù Peak

Rifugio Puez

Capanna Alpina to Fanes Hütte

Sass da Ciampac and Lake Crespëina Hike

Gran Cir Summit

Cortina d’Ampezzo Accommodations


Pocol is a tiny village above the Ampezzo Valley, west of Cortina d’Ampezzo. Pocol sits at the crossroads between SR48 (the road that connects Cortina with Passo Falzarego) and the SP638 (the road that connects Cortina with Passo Giau).

Budget | Hotel Piccolo Pocol is a basic, but very clean bed & breakfast in Pocol. The management is helpful, efficient, and knowledgeable about the region. The breakfast buffet features a number of cakes, croissants, breads, yogurts, sliced cheeses and meats, and of course coffee and juices.

​​Passo Tre Croci

Passo Tre Croci is the mountain pass between the Cristallo Group and the Sorapiss Group. The pass is situated on Strada Regionale 48 delle Dolomiti, about halfway between Cortina d’Ampezzo and Lake Misurina. This is where the hike to Lago di Sorapis begins.

Budget-Midrange | B&B Hotel Passo Tre Croci Cortina is advantageously located at Passo Tre Croci. The hotel features comfortable rooms and newly renovated interiors. Stay here for the clean, minimal aesthetics and the majestic location. Breakfast is included in the rate.

Cortina d’Ampezzo

Camina Suite and Spa, Dolomites
Camina Suite & Spa

Ringed by the Ampezzo Dolomites, Cortina d’Ampezzo boasts a central and stunning location in the Ampezzo Valley in Veneto. You can stay here for a few days or for several weeks and never run out of things to see and do.

Budget | Hotel Meuble Oasi is a guesthouse set in the town center of Cortina d’Ampezzo, walking distance to the pedestrian zone and bus station. Book this 2-star hotel for the unbeatable price, location, spotless ooms, and on-site parking. 

Midrange | Baita Fraina is a charming B&B with six rooms with balconies, 3km from Cortina’s town center (5 minute drive). This guesthouse is also home to a Michelin recommended à la carte restaurant, which serves regional cuisine. Stay here for the mountain views, the affordability, and the food.

Midrange | Hotel Villa Alpina is a centrally-located 3-star-superior hotel housed in a historic villa. Rooms are comfortable and feature parquet floors and alpine furnishings. The room rate includes breakfast and outdoor parking. 

Midrange | Ambra Cortina Luxury&Fashion Hotel is a lovely boutique hotel with 24 thematic rooms and a bar in the very center of Cortina. Guests are treated to free on-site parking and an excellent breakfast. 

Top Choice – Luxury | Camina Suite & Spa is a 4-star boutique hotel, 1 km north of Cortina’ town center. This intimate hotel offers 12 alpine-style suites with comfy beds and ample closet space. Rooms are equipped with Nespresso machines, air-conditioning, and soundproofing. We loved the high-quality breakfast featuring local products and the complimentary spa (3 saunas, relaxation zone, and showers). Guests also enjoy free parking. Guests can dine in the à la carte hotel restaurant daily (except Tuesday). Read our Camina Suite & Spa hotel review

Top Choice – Luxury | HOTEL de LËN is a fresh-faced luxury hotel in Cortina d’Ampezzo’s town center. Interiors blend natural and sustainable materials with fine furnishings to create a relaxing, yet refined atmosphere. The hotel restaurant showcases local Ampezzo flavors in unique and exciting ways. We loved the charming, enthusiastic staff, the rooftop spa (1 complimentary hour), and communal areas (living room, cocktail bar, and restaurant). Breakfast is included in the room rate. Parking is off-site and an extra charge. Read our Hotel de Len review.

Luxury | Grand Hotel Savoia Cortina d’Ampezzo, A Radisson Collection Hotel is a top-rated, 5-star hotel in the center of Cortina d’Ampezzo. Although housed in a historic building, the entire interior has been renovated. Rooms are delightfully modern. Stay here for the superb on-site restaurant, impeccable staff and concierge, top-notch facilities (spa, indoor pool,  bar, and lobby area).

More Luxury Hotels in Cortina d’Ampezzo: Dolomiti Lodge Alverà, Grand Hotel Savoia Cortina d’Ampezzo, Rosapetra SPA Resort, and Faloria Mountain Spa Resort

Look for accommodation in Cortina d’Ampezzo.

Dolomites Trip Planning Essentials

Use our Dolomites Travel Guide to plan an unforgettable trip to Northern Italy.

When to Hike in the Dolomites

The best time to hike in the Dolomites is between mid-June and mid-September. If the weather is stable, the hiking season can extend until late October.

How to Get to the Dolomites

Read How to Get to the Dolomites to find out how to travel to the Dolomites from the closest airports, train stations, and bus terminals.

If you’re traveling without a car, also check out How to Visit the Dolomites Without a Car

Car Rental

The easiest way to travel between hiking destinations in the Italian Dolomites is with your own car. Check out our itineraries for trip inspiration:

We recommend using the car rental reservation platform to search for and book car rentals. This easy-to-use booking platform compares car rental deals from 500+ trusted providers, so that you can choose the best option for your trip.

Tip: If you can only drive automatic transmission cars, as opposed to manual transmission cars (stick shift), book your car rental as early as possible.

Check car rental rates here

Best Places to Stay

Figuring out where to stay in the Dolomites is probably the biggest hurdle to planning a trip to the Dolomites. We’ve created three guides to help you decide where to stay:

We suggest choosing 2-4 bases for your Dolomites trip and spending 2-4 nights in each base.

What to See & Do

During your trip to the Dolomites, you can go via ferrata climbing, culinary hiking, hut to hut hiking, cycling, paragliding, and so much more. We’ve highlighted our favorite experiences in Best Things to Do in the Dolomites.

Wherever you decide to stay, you’ll be surrounded by glorious mountain scenery and incredible natural landmarks.

In Best Places to Visit in the Dolomites, we’ve outlined the most iconic attractions as well as lesser-known destinations across the Dolomites, including Alpe di Siusi, Val Fiscalina, and Seceda.

Dolomites Packing List

Hiking Gear

Outdoor Photography Gear

Dolomites Hiking Guides

Hiking in the Dolomites is our passion. Year after year, we love discovering new trails and expanding our knowledge of the area. For day hiking, check out Best Day Hikes in the Dolomites. For trekking, take a look at our guide to Hut to Hut Hiking in the Dolomites and Alta Via 1.

For region-specific hiking trails, check out:

Recommended Hiking Guidebook: Cicerone Guide: Shorter Walks in the Dolomites

Moon & Honey Travel is an independent blog created by two passionate hikers. We are able to provide free content to you, because of ads and affiliate links. When you make a purchase using one of these links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Happy travels and happy trails, Sabrina and Kati

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